In the recent Zumba class program, many of the movements are turns. Turns to the side. Turns forward and back. Turns in a circle.
This was intentional.
We turn our bodies as a physical representation of the things we want to turn around in our environment, our homes, our family and our space. When we work out together, we turn in unison to have a visceral connection to the change we want to manifest in our life after we log off from the class.
How do we manifest the turnaround?
Below are a few suggestions to consider that I found online that you can pair with your exercise to help support your mental and emotional health:
Support groups. Support groups are a wonderful way of connecting with others who may be struggling with something similar. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers many free support groups.
Talking to family and friends. Give a family member or friend a call. Even if it’s just to say, “just wanted to call and say hi.” Set up a Zoom call with a friend and family as a means of staying connected.
Volunteering. Volunteer your time with the SPCA, a soup kitchen, or a shelter, etc. This can be a great way of connecting with others and giving back to others and the community. Volunteer work is extremely rewarding. You can also donate clothes, make dinner platters for the homeless, put together blessing bags, and experience other ways of giving back to the community.
Spirituality. Spirituality means different things to everyone. What are some ways that you connect with your spirituality? Maybe it’s going to church, mosque, synagogue, or taking a walk, listening to mother nature, etc. Find what brings you peace and purpose.
Therapy. Therapy allows you to focus on you. It allows you to increase your ways of coping with tough situations and thoughts. Finding the right-fit therapist will help you increase your stress-relieving skills and ability to cope with stressful, sad, or difficult experiences in your life. Therapy does not have to be a reaction to something negative in your life. Just as you would go to your primary care physician for a wellness visit, therapy can be a preventative tactic to support living your life in a healthy way.
Whether you do anything listed above, or you do something else, just turn. Getting unstuck is a decision you can make. Decide to turn things around soon, perhaps before this year ends. You deserve the change you hope for. You are worthy of the change you imagine.
Suggestions from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/stigma-addiction-and-mental-health/202010/its-ok-not-be-ok-during-the-holidays.